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Self Defense Against Identity Theft
Part One: What To Do if You Are a Victim


If you discover that you have been a victim of identity theft, the following steps will help get you on the right track to keeping or restoring your good name:

Self Defense Against Identity Theft,
Part Three: Computers and Foiling Identity Thieves Away From Home


Over the past few years the number of people using the internet to conduct business, make purchases, and pay bills has skyrocketed. Unfortunately, so has the number of people looking to steal your information online. The following are tips to protect yourself.

Self Defense Against Identity Theft,
Part Two: Protecting Your Identity at Home


For most of us, our homes are our refuge where we feel a sense of peace and safety. However, more and more ID thieves are stealing our mail and using information gained over the telephone to gather information about us. The ID thieves then use the information to steal our identity and ruin our name and credit.

Signs of Alcohol and Drug Addiction

EAP Navigator

Learn about the symptoms of substance abuse and how the EAP can help you if you feel you or a loved one has a problem with alcohol and drug addiction.

Simplify Your Life

EAP Navigator

Keeping personal items, work, and events organized is key to living a balanced and productive life. By organizing effectively, you will be better able to prioritize and plan, leaving more time to do the things that are important to you.

Skin Cancer - American Cancer Society


The sun's negative effects are cumulative and irreversible. Typically after age 50 those effects are visible in loss of elasticity, increased wrinkles, leathery skin, age spots, and skin cancer. While skin cancer is the most common cancer it is largely preventable and very curable when diagnosed early.

Smart Choices: Eating Healthy at Any Age

EAP Navigator

At every stage of life, smart food choices fuel good health. You can benefit from following an eating plan that emphasizes food choices appropriate for your age and personal needs.

Start Some Healthful Holiday Traditions

EAP Navigator

The month of December can produce extra stress, a breakdown in healthy eating habits, even depression. But you and your family can adopt some new traditions that may help relieve the season’s stress and make your holidays healthy and happy.

Start Some Healthful Holiday Traditions

EAP Navigator

Adopting some new traditions can help make your holidays less stressful and more healthy and happy.

Stop Migraines Before They Stop You.


According to the National Headache Foundation, more than 28 million Americans experience migraine headaches of varying intensity. More than half (51%) of sufferers report a 50% or more reduction in work and/or school productivity and 66% report a 50% or more reduction in household work productivity.

Strategies for Building Resilience

EAP Navigator

Read about how you can build your resilience.

Stress and the Holidays

EAP Navigator

Read about tips to help cope with holidays stress.

Stress, Depression, and the Holidays

EAP Navigator

Stress and depression can ruin your holidays and hurt your health. Being realistic, planning ahead and seeking support can help ward off stress and depression.

Take Charge of Your Time

EAP Navigator - Flashmail

Take Charge of Your Time: Time is a precious commodity
that's available to all of us in equal parts to use as we choose.

Take the Alcohol Quiz

EAP Navigator

Nearly 14 million people in the United States -- 1 in every 13 adults -- abuse alcohol or are alcoholic. How much do you know about alcohol use and abuse? Find out by taking this quiz, based on information from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Tax Time


Earlier is better when it comes to working on your taxes. Taxpayers are encouraged to get a head start on tax preparation, especially since early filers avoid the last minute rush and get their refunds sooner.

The “B” Word - Budget


In today’s economy everyone needs a Budget. With the price of gas at $4.00 a gallon plus – and no end in sight - everyone has had to rethink everyday expenses.

The “B” Word - Budget Follow Up


In our last article we suggested that people may need to rethink how they choose to spend money in light of the economic downturn and the increase in expenses for gas and food. There are places to cut back. You may not want to cut back – but you can. In that article we asked people to email us ideas they use to cut back their spending. We had many people respond with great ideas and wanted to share them.

The First Step: Discussing the Need for Long-Term Care

EAP Navigator

Talking to your loved ones about long term care can be difficult. Read more about helpful ways to start a conversation that will help establish a plan for you and your family.

The Holidays Are Right Around The Corner - Are You Having Fun Yet?


Thanksgiving and the winter holidays can be filled with busy schedules, parties, shopping, laughter, but for some people, the holidays bring unwelcome guests — stress and depression. And it's no wonder.
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